My music video


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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Continuity task evaluation

  1. Explain the story of your video: Our video was about a boy who attempts to do parkour but ends up failing a jump and falls over onto his back
  2. How did you attempt to create 'narrative flow': By using the same character in the same scenery, whilst attempting to match positions of actors across shots so that a character didn't move too much or repeat their actions across shots
  3. Did you achieve full continuity? If not why not: We didn't achieve full continuity as we incorrectly started and stopped filming across certain shots, in shot 3 we stopped filming too late and so the action was repeated in shot 4. In contrast we stopped shot 6 too early and so the actor moved too dramatically across the 2 shots
  4. In hindsight, what would you do differently to improve the narrative flow of your video and tell your story more effectively?: We would have firstly had our opening shot include a little movement going into our next shot, with the second shot then starting during the action. We then would have made sure that shot 3 ended sooner so as to correctly flow into shot 4. We would have ended shot 4 slightly earlier as the actor runs past the same point in both shot 4 & 5. We would have lastly kept filming for longer in shot 5 to correctly match it with last shot.

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